However, the prime minister gave his support to Chris Patten, the embattled chairman of the BBC Trust, the corporation's governing body. 然而,首相将其支持给了彭定康,该公司的管理机构BBC信托会的主席。
There is a potential for a perfect storm, warns Peter Axilrod, managing director of The Depository Trust& Clearing Corporation, a US provider of back-office trading services. 后台交易服务提供商美国存托和清算公司(DepositoryTrust&ClearingCorporation)董事总经理彼得阿克西罗德(PeterAxilrod)警告称:有可能会爆发一场完美风暴。
We need to expand it. To facilitate extensive contacts, the China International Trust and Investment Corporation can serve as a window to the outside world. 为了便于广泛接触,中国国际信托投资公司可以作为中国在实行对外开放中的一个窗口。
As Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, has suggested, an enormous Resolution Trust Corporation-style approach for the banking and securities system may be required. 正如美联储前主席保罗•沃尔克(PaulVolcker)曾建议过的,对银行业和证券系统来说,可能需要一个庞大的清债信托公司(ResolutionTrustCorporation)式的解决方案。
PERSON includes a natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business, trust, corporation, or public entity. 人-包括自然人、事务所、社团、组织、合伙、商业机构、信托、有限公司或公共实体。
China International Trust and Investment Corporation ( CITIC) 中国国际信托投资公司(中信)
China international trust& investment corporation. 中国国际信托投资公司。
The gross value of derivatives contracts that pay out in the event of a US default has doubled from year ago levels, according to the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, which collects data on global trading of credit default swaps ( CDS). 负责汇集全球信用违约互换(cds)交易数据的美国存托和清算公司(dtcc)表示,一旦美国出现违约情况,将进行偿付的衍生品合约总值已经较一年前增长了一倍。
He used to be the legal adviser of China International Trust and Investment Corporation Shantou Branch and a lawyer with Guangdong Law Office. 曾先后任中国国际信托投资公司汕头公司专职法律顾问、广东律师事务所律师。
Rand Selection Trust Corporation of South Africa 南非兰特精选信托公司
Tribal Trust Land Development Corporation 部落信托土地开发公司
Through the fifth rectification, "Trust Law"," trust and investment corporation management method "and the" temporary means of fund trust", having been issued in succession, Trust industry faces the opportunity that develops again. 经过第五次整顿,在相继颁布了《信托法》、《信托投资公司管理办法》和《信托投资公司资金信托业务管理暂行办法》后,信托业百废待兴,面临重新发展的机遇。
Participative decision making and face-to-face interaction can effectively improve the mutual trust between the corporation and farmers; 决策参与度和面对面交流能有效提高公司与农户的信任水平;
The essence of the social capital is the disciplines of trust, corporation and mutual benefit based on scope of relationship. 社会资本的实质是以小规模关系网络为基础的信任、合作、互惠等规范。
Poor outside environments and inside management led to great risk in their operation, of which the bankruptcy of Guangdong International Trust Corporation is an example. 正是信托投资机构的外部环境与内部管理两方面的原因,导致了信托机构经营中的巨大风险,广东国际信托投资公司的清算就是风险暴露的必然结果。
On this basis, the thesis studies systematically the intension of law and the characteristics of the fiduciary duties of the professional managers from the view of the trust law and the corporation law. 在此基础上,结合公司法、信托法中对受托人义务的规定,系统地分析了职业经理人的信义义务的内涵、性质与特征。
Although stemming from England, the system of trust developed greatly in America, and its flexible mechanism was used in many fields& voting trust is one form of trust system in American Corporation Law. 肇端于英国的信托制度在美国获得了极大的发展,其弹性机制被运用于众多的领域,投票权信托就是信托制度在美国公司法中的一种发挥。
That the business process of collective money trust is dominated by Trust and Investment Corporation determines the feeble status of investors who are much weaker in almost every part of the process. 首先,集合资金信托业务流程设计以信托公司为主导,决定了投资者的弱势地位,几乎每个环节都有投资者权益弱化的现象存在。
The so-called real estate trusts, is that Trust Investment Corporation who make use of special financial flat to gather money from society and then invest capital to real estate project on the way of loan or stock in order to obtain profit from the project for clients. 所谓房产信托,即通过信托金融平台,向社会发行信托计划融资,并以贷款、股权投资等方式运用于房地产项目,为委托人获取房地产开发收益。
Research on the Risks of Trust Corporation in Chongqing 重庆信托公司风险研究
Shandong International Trust and Investment Corporation 千金一诺,至信国托&访山东省国际信托投资有限公司董事长朱崇利先生
Dalian International Trust& Investment Corporation ( DITIC) which was founded in 1986 is an example. 成立于1986年的大连国际信托投资公司(简称大连国投)是典型的国有金融机构。
The CITIC ( China International Trust& Investment Corporation) issued bonds to collect ten billion Japanese Yen in January 1982, which started the process of the internationalization of China's security market. 1982年1月,中信公司在日本发行100亿日元债券,揭开了中国证券市场开放的序幕。
Trust and Investment Corporation have a unique effect on consummate capital market, abatement the contradiction of supply and demand, optimize resource configure. 信托投资公司在完善和活跃资本市场,缓解投资与融资之间的供需矛盾,拓宽新的投融资渠道,促进资源的优化配置方面具有无可替代的作用。
The argumentation is demonstrated by comparison of the core function of trust law and organizational law, trust and corporation. 主要通过信托法与组织法的核心功能比较,信托与公司的比较展开论证。
On this basis, the consulting project analyzed the different business of Shandong Trust Corporation, and proposed different development goals and measures. 在此基础上,本论文针对SD信托公司的不同业务进行了具体分析,分别提出了不同的发展目标与措施建议。
The author chooses to carry on the on-the-spot investigation and research at Shandong Trust Corporation. 在进行理论分析的同时,本文还采取了实地调研的方法,由于地点原因,笔者选取了山东信托公司进行了实地考察、调研。
an organization (usually with a commercial bank) that is engaged as a trustee or fiduciary or agent in handling trust funds or estates of custodial arrangements or stock transfers or related services